Brussels Sprouts Caesar Salad

Brussels Sprouts Caesar Salad


  1. Brussels sprouts, shaved (88 kcal)
  2. Caesar dressing (120 kcal)
  3. Parmesan cheese, grated (43 kcal)
  4. Croutons (65 kcal)
  5. Olive oil (40 kcal)
  6. Lemon juice (8 kcal)
  7. Salt and pepper to taste

Cooking Steps:

Step 1: Shave Brussels sprouts thinly using a sharp knife or mandolin slicer.

Step 2: In a large bowl, combine shaved Brussels sprouts, Caesar dressing, and toss until evenly coated.

Step 3: Add grated Parmesan cheese and croutons to the bowl, gently mixing to incorporate.

Step 4: In a small bowl, whisk together olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper to create a simple dressing.

Step 5: Drizzle the dressing over the salad, ensuring even distribution. Toss once more.

Step 6: Serve immediately, savoring the unique blend of textures and flavors in this Brussels Sprouts Caesar Salad.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Brussels Sprouts Caesar Salad:

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