Marron Glace

Marron Glace


  1. 200g chestnuts
  2. 300g granulated sugar
  3. 300ml water
  4. 1 vanilla pod
  5. Powdered sugar for dusting

Cooking Steps:

  1. Score an "X" on the flat side of each chestnut.
  2. Boil chestnuts in water for 10 minutes, then peel off the shell and inner skin.
  3. In a saucepan, combine sugar, water, and vanilla pod. Bring to a simmer until sugar dissolves.
  4. Add the peeled chestnuts to the sugar syrup and simmer gently for about 45-60 minutes until glossy.
  5. Let the chestnuts cool in the syrup overnight.
  6. Drain the chestnuts, saving the syrup for other uses if desired.
  7. Dust the candied chestnuts with powdered sugar.

Savor the decadence of Marron Glacé, a confection that adds a touch of sophistication to any occasion.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Marron Glace:

Original Desserts