Baked chicken with vegetables in a bag in the oven is very tasty, tender and dietary. This dish is a great option for a family lunch or dinner. Cook it simply: cut largely enough all the vegetables, pour them with olive oil, salt, season and transfer them into a baking bag. Then it only remains to add pieces of marinated chicken to the vegetables and wait until everything is ready in the oven. For the recipe, you can use any part of the chicken: wings, drumsticks, thighs or whole leg. Chicken fillet is better to save for other recipes. For example, you can prepare chicken fillet with tomatoes under a cheese cap or fry chicken fillet in onion batter.


Chicken thigh 4 pcs

Potato 4 pcs

Eggplant 1 pcs

Zucchini 1 pcs

Carrot 1 pcs

Onion 1 pcs

Garlic 2-3 clove

Olive oil 30 ml

Soy sauce 30 ml

Khmeli-suneli 1 tsp

Seasoning for chicken 1 tsp

Salt - to taste

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