photo: Chocolate cake in a cup in 3 minutes

Chocolate cake in a cup in 3 minutes

I like everything chocolate with all my heart. If there are some variants – I will always pick a chocolate version of any dessert. Today I am telling you about the easiest and truly delicious recipe of a chocolate dessert in 3 minutes only.


  • Whole wheat flour
    70 g
  • Cacao
    15 g
  • Vegetable oil
    30 g
  • Salt
    0,25 tsp
  • Baking powder
    2 g
  • Sugar
    60 g
  • Egg
    1 pcs
  • Milk
    30 ml


  • 1. Mentioned amount of ingredients is enough for only one cake. If you decide to cook for the whole family – you can bravely multiply the amount. Everything you need is to collect all ingredients in one whole, sequence is not really needed.
  • 2. Mix them well.
  • 3. Pour the mixture into the cup. It should be about a half. It may seem not to be enough – but it is.
  • 4. And now it is the most interesting part of cooking. Put a cup into the microwave oven for 3,5 minutes (maximum power).
  • 5. Cake will begin to rise above the mug during the second minute – do not be afraid of it. That is how it must be.
  • 6. In the end you will get a real chocolate cake. Because of the way it is cooked, it turns a little dry so you should eat it immediately or cut it with shortbreads and soak with something. Very delicious.
  • 7. Many of you write that dough turns out too thick. The reason is that you take a small egg or we just have slightly different measures. So if you think that the dough is too thick – add some teaspoons of milk or water.