photo: Salad «Pleasure»

Salad «Pleasure»

We are preparing a spicy chicken salad called Pleasure. The recipe is very simple and quite easy, but salad taste justifies its name. Ingredients combine really well that makes a dish taste harmonious and saturated. You may replace mayonnaise for sour cream or homemade sauce.
60 min
4 servings


  • Chicken fillet
    300 g
  • Cheese
    100 g
  • Beet
    1 pcs
  • Walnuts
    50 g
  • Mayonnaise
    3-4 tbsp
  • Salt
    - to taste
  • Black pepper
    - pinch
  • Greens
    - to taste


  • 1. Clean beetroot well. Do not clean it from peels, boil beetroot until it is ready. Then cool it down and grind on a grater with a large cloth.
  • 2. Lay the grated beetroot out in the salad bowl as a first layer. Salt it a bit and grease with a little mayonnaise.
  • 3. Chop the kernels of walnuts with knife or using a rolling pin. Put chopped walnuts over beetroot. Then put a mash of mayonnaise.
  • 4. Clean chicken fillet and clear from skin film. Boil the whole piece of meat for 30 minutes after full boil. Afterwards take the chicken filet out of the bouillon and let cool down.
  • 5. Dice cooled meat.
  • 6. Lay chicken fillet in a salad bowl next layer. Dress meat with black pepper and grease with mayonnaise.
  • 7. Grate a piece of hard cheese with a big hole grater.
  • 8. Put grated cheese over chicken fillet. Don’t add mayonnaise.
  • 9. Decorate salad with walnuts and salad leaves. Let it brew for a couple of hours in a fridge and then serve it.
  • 10. Bon appetite!