The most original peanut butter
There are different types of peanut pastes such as, for example, sweet, salty, homogeneous and crispy (a part of nuts is grinded into tangible crumbsin them), and there are chocolate nut pastes. This is Nutella. Yes, yes! Many will be surprised, but everyone's favorite Nutella (and her counterparts) is nothing else than nutty pasta with the chocolate.
The ingredients are so simple that it is embarrassing to talk about it. These are peanuts! Namely, peanuts and nothing else! Who would have thought that a favorite half of the world delicacy can be cooked at home just by taking nuts?So, it is a real fact.
What I say, the taste of pasta is unique. It is often either loved very much or not at all. Rarely, there are neutral comments. But here, as they say, it is better to try once!
Peanuts500 g
1. Let's assume very basic variation– there are raw peanuts. You can take already fried (even salty). But let's start with the first variation. So, at first you need to roast nuts (to dry). To do this, pour peanuts evenly on a baking sheet and put in the oven at 180 degrees for about 25 minutes. Mix with a spoonevery five minutes, so that the peanuts are dried from all sides. There will be a nice nutty flavoron the 15th minute.
2. By the way, always when baking with nuts –calcine them for at least 10 minutes in the oven on a baking sheet. So they will become more fragrant, more saturated with taste and texture. Such nuts behave better in the dough, do not soak and give a stunning flavor.
3. Leave dried nuts to cool down for about 5-10 minutes and then peel. Due to the fact that nuts are calcined in the oven, the husks will be removed if you just rub the nuts between your fingers.
4. Then the most important thing now. You need a good blender / harvester / chopper. The device that grinds well, and is powerful. Transfer the peanuts into the bowl in small portions. And whip with the blender.
5. Here is the process. At first, the nuts just start to grind. It will seem in a couple of minutes that it is it, nothing new is happening. But you keep whipping. The fact is that the nuts will gradually begin to emit oil, and this moisture will help to turn the nut crumb into a paste. This can take from 6 to 15 minutes.
6. If the blender does not cope even after 10 minutes, you got only a little crumb, add a couple of spoons of honey or agave syrup, for example. This will push the process of homogenization. But it is better to do it without additives. The taste will be more authentic.
7. Transfer prepared pasta in a jar and keep it closed for a couple of weeks. It is well with toasts, cookies, you can also add to ice cream or just eat with a spoon. If you want to get a chocolate paste – chop the chocolate with a knife into small pieces and transfer them to pasta in the blender, whisk for another 5-10 minutes.
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