photo: Fig, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Pizza

Fig, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Pizza

Here is a pizza with figs, prosciutto and goat cheese (and also some greens). At first, such a combination may seem strange, but let's call to memory the world-famous Hawaiian pizza with pineapple, since once it took its position seriously and for a long time, this one is not as terrible as it seems.


  • Pizza dough
    1 pcs
  • Fig
    3 pcs
  • Goat cheese
    50 g
  • Olive oil
    3 tbsp
  • Tomato sauce
    2 tbsp
  • Prosciutto
    60 g
  • Rucola
    50 g


  • 1. How to do the dough, I have told in detail. When the dough is ready, roll it up as usual to a thickness of 2-3 mm. This time I made a pizza with a side, for it I just folded the edge of the dough and a little patted it, nothing difficult.
  • 2. Sprinkle the finished dough sheet with olive oil, grease with tomato sauce and sprinkle with goat cheese, slices of figs and pieces of prosciutto.
  • 3. Let's go one by one: this kind of pizza is a bit different from the usual American type with a bunch of cheese and stuffing. Here we use a little bit of everything, but I assure you, the pizza will not become less tasty or satisfying because of it. Again, make a reservation – the ingredients can be replaced, but I would have done everything as indicated.
  • 4. Put ready pizza in the oven at a maximum temperature of 7-12 minutes. There is nothing to burn, like in Margarita, so you can wait for a confident crust of dough and meat. Well, see for yourself.
  • 5. While the pizza is cooking, pour the greens with olive oil in a separate bowl and gently mix, just a little bit.
  • 6. Take pizza out, sprinkle abundantly with herbs and freshly ground pepper.
  • 7. Pizza is very harmonious. Goat cheese is a bit sour-sweet, strict meat with ruccola and soft sweetish figs, olive oil that enhances the taste of all ingredients, tomato base and a brilliant crusty dough. I am sure you will cook it again and again.