photo: Closed cottage cheese pie in the multi-cooker

Closed cottage cheese pie in the multi-cooker

If you set a goal, catch fire with an idea/desire, then you can do absolutely everything. Even cook this Hungarian cheesecake. Since I do not have ovens at the moment, I am learning how to cook everything exclusively in a multi-cooker. As it turned out, it is very convenient. For example, as a novice culinary expert, I can be not worried about the readiness of baking – set it to the recommended temperature and do not care. I note that the cake after cooking is not simple, but I liked the result. Due to the cottage cheese filling, it turned out to be soaked and very delicate. And revealed its true taste the following day, when it has been left in the fridge.


  • Whole wheat flour
    1 tbsp
  • Sour cream
    1 tbsp
  • Egg
    5 pcs
  • Sugar
    200 g
  • Baking soda
    0.5 tsp
  • Butter
    2 tbsp
  • Cocoa powder
    1-2 tbsp
  • Cottage cheese
    500 g
  • Semolina
    1 tbsp


  • 1. The first thing to prepare is filling. For this, take 3 eggs, 500 g of cottage cheese, 0.5 tbsp. of sugar, 1 tbsp. of semolina and whisk with a blender in a deep container until a uniform mass is formed.
  • 2. Next, prepare the dough: beat 2 eggs with whisk until the foam appears. Add the sour cream, melted butter, baking soda and mix again with a whisk. After this, you can add flour and cocoa, stir gradually. The dough is ready. The texture should not be too thick.
  • 3. Prepare the multi-cooker: lubricate its bottom and side parts with butter. Afterwards, take the dough and pour the part of it into the multi-cooker.
  • 4. Next, carefully add the cottage cheese filling to the second layer.
  • 5. Distribute the remaining dough as the third layer on the filling in such a way that it covers the cottage cheese layer.
  • 6. Bake for 1 hour and 20 minutes. After the end of the time, leave the cake to brew for 5-10 minutes in the multi-cooker.
  • 7. After, cool and decorate with powdered sugar.
  • 8. Bake in the "cupcake" mode. The needed time is 50 minutes plus another 50 minutes. When the time comes out and the cupcake is ready, do not take it out right at the moment. Allow it to leave in the multi-cooker for 5 more minutes. After that, take out, cut into slices and serve with tea, cocoa or coffee.