photo: USSR Tomato Sauce

USSR Tomato Sauce

If there was ketchup in the Soviet Union, its name was Krasnodar sauce! Although it is believed that the recipe of the sauce was developed long before the revolution, when it was the aristocratic gourmet of the royal court. But at the Union sauce was preserved precisely because of the simplicity and cheapness of the components. It was made not only on an industrial scale - practically in every home cookbook the coveted recipe of the Krasnodar apple sauce was written by hand. Today we remember the “same taste” and are learning how to make the most tender sauce with a sweet and sour aftertaste and a whole bouquet of fragrant spices!


  • Tomato
    1.6 kg
  • Apple
    0.6 kg
  • Black pepper
    1 tsp
  • Cinnamon
    2/3 tsp
  • Nutmeg
    2/3 tsp
  • Salt
    1 tsp
  • Sugar
    2 tsp
  • Vinegar
    2-4 tbsp
  • Garlic
    5 clove


  • 1. Cut fleshy red or pink tomatoes medium pieces, put them into an enameled pan or into a pan of food stainless steel.
  • 2. Put on the fire and simmer for 20 minutes until the tomatoes are completely softened.
  • 3. While tomatoes are boiled soft, remove the peel from strong and sour-sweet apples with a thin layer. Then divide half and remove the seed boxes.
  • 4. Now the apple pulp needs to be extinguished, and in order for this process to start faster, pour some water on the bottom of the pan. It will begin heating up first and give impetus to the heating of the apples.
  • 5. You will only need to stir the apples, which will gradually be transformed into applesauce. The time to get applesauce depends on the variety of your apples, from 15 to 25 minutes. You can also pre-bake the apples in the microwave oven or in the oven.
  • 6. Meanwhile, the tomatoes are well boiled soft – wipe the tomato mass through a sieve in small portions, leaving seeds and oilcakes on the net.
  • 7. When both types of mashed potatoes – tomato and apple are ready, mix them in a saucepan, set on slow fire.
  • 8. Boil the base for the sauce for 20-25 minutes, stir.
  • 9. Add spices – black and red pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon.
  • 10. Next, add salt and sugar.
  • 11. After 10 minutes of boiling, you can pour vinegar and add garlic. The acidity and sweetness of the sauce should be additionally adjusted to your taste, due to the different ripeness of the tomatoes, the apple varieties used and their ripeness. If you do not like pieces of garlic – whisk the sauce with a dipping blender and make it perfectly smooth.
  • 12. Boil this mixture for another 5 minutes and you can roll in clean and dry sterilized jars. Screw with sterilized caps and wrap with a thick cloth until the next day.
  • 13. USSR Tomato Sauce is ready!