photo: Chicken Fritters with Sour Cream and Bread Crumbs

Chicken Fritters with Sour Cream and Bread Crumbs

Diet recipe of chicken fritters with sour cream and bread crumbs is great for baby and sport nutrition. Chicken fillet fritters are very juicy, tasty and low-cal. Can be served with any side dishes or sauce.
40 min
4 servings


  • Chicken fillet
    750 g
  • Sour cream
    3 tbsp
  • Onion
    1 pcs
  • Garlic
    2 clove
  • Bread
    4-5 pcs
  • Olive oil
    2 tbsp
  • Salt
    - to taste
  • Black pepper
    - to taste
  • Seasoning for chicken
    1 tsp
  • Dill
    10 g


  • 1. Wash chicken fillet, clean from thin layers and cut into middle size pieces. Peeled onion and garlic gloves wash and cut on several parts. Put together chicken and vegetables into blender bowl. Chop ingredients into a homogeneous and thick minced meat.
  • 2. White bread cut into small pieces and put it into blender bowl.
  • 3. Ground bread in small crumbs.
  • 4. In deep bowl combine minced chicken, half of bread crumbs and small chopped fresh dill.
  • 5. Add sour cream, salt and seasoning to the meat.
  • 6. Mix minced meat for fritters to homogeneous consistence.
  • 7. Wet hands in cold water, make fritters from small quantity of minced meat. Roll fritter in rest bread crumbs. In this way form all fritters and roll in bread crumbs. From given amount of ingredients you get about 9 fritters.
  • 8. Put the half made fritters on the baking tray covered with food foil and greased with vegetable oil.
  • 9. Send a baking sheet with half made fritters to the oven warmed up to 180 degrees. Bake chicken fritters with sour cream and bread crumbs about 20-25 minutes until golden crust.
  • 10. Ready-made dish is served with fresh vegetables or pickles. As side dish can be used potato or peas puree, stewed cabbage or friable porridge.
  • 11. Bon Appetite!