Watermelon candies

Watermelon candies


Watermelon 70g (1/3 cup) sugar 3 drops of red food color 30g (¼ cup) corn flour 60ml (¼ cup) water Plastic cups Grated coconut Mint leaves


  1. Cut the watermelon into small pieces, and blend it.
  2. Pour into a pot, and add sugar and red food coloring. Mix until boiling.
  3. Mix corn flour with water and pour into the watermelon liquid until thick. Let cool and pour into plastic cups.
  4. Refrigerate for one hour.
  5. Remove from plastic cups and cut into slices. Cover with grated coconut. Decorate with mint.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Watermelon candies:

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