Stuffed watermelon with cheesecake

Stuffed watermelon with cheesecake


Watermelon Strawberries Peaches Blueberries 500g cream cheese 150g powdered sugar 250ml whipped cream 1 ½ tbsp gelatin 1 tsp vanilla 60ml (¼ cup) water


  1. Cut the top end off of the watermelon. Remove all the pulp. Mix gelatin with water and let hydrate.
  2. In a bowl, mix cream cheese, sugar, vanilla, and whipping cream. Put the gelatin in the microwave for a few seconds until melted and pour it into the cream cheese mixture. Beat well.
  3. Pour some of the cream cheese mixtures on the watermelon, and add a few slices of peaches. Then add more cream cheese mixture, a layer of strawberries, and more cream cheese followed by a layer of blueberries. Cover the rest of the watermelon with the mixture.
  4. Refrigerate for 3 hours. Cut into quarters to serve.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Stuffed watermelon with cheesecake:

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