Charlotte mimosa

Charlotte mimosa


  • 500ml (2 cups) milk2 eggs
  • 130g (3/5 cup) sugar
  • 50g (1/3 cup) flour Pineapple Pineapple juice
  • 10g (2 tsp) vanilla Water
  • 250ml (1 cup) whipping cream
  • 10g (2 tsp) gelatin powder
  • 500g lady fingers


  1. Beat the eggs, sugar, and vanilla in a bowl.
  2. Put the milk to boil and add the egg mixture.
  3. Dissolve gelatin powder in water.
  4. Whip the whipping cream, which we will add to the egg cream. Mix well.
  5. Arrange the ladyfingers in the mold and cover them with pineapple juice.
  6. Pour half of the cream, then arrange the pieces of pineapple. Repeat the process.
  7. Refrigerate. Serve.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Charlotte mimosa:

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