Chewy Bagels

Chewy Bagels

Easy Bagel Recipe will help you make the best homemade bagels with crispy crust and chewy texture in 90 minutes!

For this quick bagels recipe, you don’t need to proof the dough two times.So you can save a lot of your time.

This quick and easy bagel recipe was one of my experiments with making easy homemade bagels..and the result was so beautiful..I learned a thing that, we can make super delicious bagels at home, without double proofing.

I am so happy to share this quick and easy method of making awesome bagels at home.

What you will love about this easy homemade bagel recipe

Quick and Easy to make: You can make homemade bagels from scratch within 90 minutes!

Simple Ingredients :In this Easy Bagel Recipe, we use only five basic ingredients to make the bagel dough.

For this quick bagels recipe, we don’t need to proof the dough two times.So we can save a lot of our time.

The resulting bagels are super tasty and they have a shiny golden crust which is crispy and has a soft crumb with that characteristic chewy texture.

How to make homemade bagels using this Easy Bagel Recipe

In this easy bagel recipe, we use only five simple ingredients and “one rise” proofing method.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Chewy Bagels:

Original Baking