Pistachio Cookies

Pistachio Cookies


25 Cookies

  • 65g Unsalted butter
  • 45g Sugar 
  • 20g Egg yolk
  • 25g Almond flour
  • 30g pistachio
  • 15g Chocolate chip
  • 110g Cake flour


①Make butter smooth with rubber spatula and sugar and mix well.
②Add the egg yolk in 3 parts.
③Add the almond flour. Mix until smooth.
④Add pistachios and chocolate chips.
⑤Add the sifted flour. Fold it.
Press lightly to gather.
⑥Wrap with plastic wrap. Chill for at least 1 hour.
⑦Press it to soften.
Roll it and make it a log of 9.8 inches.
⑧Wrap it in a parchment paper.
Chill in the freezer for 30min
⑨Slice the dough into 0.4in thick.
Put them on the baking tray.
⑩Preheat an oven to 338 °F/170℃.
In the meantime, let the dough sit in a freezer.
⑪Bake it at 338 °F/170℃ for 16 min.
⑫Cool completely on wire rack. It's all done!

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Pistachio Cookies:

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