Green Bean Fries

Green Bean Fries

It took 3 attempts to nail this but boy was it worth it! When I go to TGI's (which isn't that often to be fair!) I tend to order 3 things most often, a cajun pasta (which i'm highly likely to do!), Sesame Jack Daniels chicken strips (which we made recently!) and green bean fries, which as the title suggests is this very video! So with the help of my budget fryer I set out to make my own including the ranch dip, i'm not actually sure if TGI's still do these in some places, but the final taste was incredible, a super close clone to TGI's. Soft in the middle, crispy batter that lightly coats the green bean dunked in that slightly tangy ranch dip, extremely addictive things! Hope you give this a go, it'll probably work in an air fryer too!

Ingredients list:

For the beans and breadcrumb coating

  • 250g green beans, washed and ends trimmed off
  • 500ml chicken stock (or vegetable stock)
  • 125ml milk
  • 1 Large Egg
  • 200g fine breadcrumbs
  • 1tsp garlic powder
  • 1tsp onion powder
  • 40g plain flour
  • Pinch of salt and pepper
  • Vegetable Oil for frying

Ranch Dip (makes a good amount)

  • 250g mayonnaise
  • 50g sour cream
  • 1tsp chives, chopped
  • 1tsp dill
  • 1tsp parsley
  • 1tsp garlic Powder
  • 1tsp onion Powder
  • Pinch of salt and pepper
  • 125g buttermilk
  • ΒΌ Cucumber, grated
  • 1tbsp horseradish sauce (omit or add more to taste)

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Green Bean Fries:

Original Appetizers