Strawberry jelly roll

Strawberry jelly roll


For the jelly:

  • 60 ml (¼ cup) water;
  • 9 g (1 packet) gelatin powder;
  • 165 ml (⅔ cup+1 tbsp) warm strawberry tea;
  • 60 g (½ cup) sugar;
  • fresh strawberries thinly sliced.

For the cake:

  • 70 g (4 medium) egg yolks;
  • 15 g (1 tbsp) sugar;
  • 85 g (4 medium) egg whites;
  • 43 g (3 ⅔ tbsp) sugar;
  • 40 g (⅓ cup) all-purpose flour;
  • 11 g (1 tbsp) butter, melted.

For the cream:

  • 80 g (⅔ cup) mascarpone, room temp.;
  • 10 g (½ tbsp) sugar;
  • 45 ml (3 tbsp) condensed milk;
  • 250 ml (1 cup) full-fat cream.


  1. Use a square metal pan (22x22 cm) and cover the bottom of it with plastic. Place it on the cutting board and layer strawberry slices on the bottom to cover completely.
  2. Bloom gelatin in 60 ml of water, then dissolves in warm strawberry tea. Pour the gelatin mixture on top of the fruits and leave to set completely.
  3. For the cake: beat egg white with 43 grams of sugar until stiff, and beat egg yolks with 15 g of sugar until pale and creamy. Fold ⅓ of the egg whites into the yolks, add flour and butter, and whisk to combine. Fold another ⅔ of egg whites to make a smooth and fluffy batter.
  4. Pour the batter into a 22x22 cm square pan and bake in a conventional oven at 160°C320°F for 15 minutes, then at 170°C/338°F for another 15 minutes, let cool down.
  5. For the cream, beat cream with sugar, mascarpone, and full-fat cream. Spread the cream on top of the cake, layer whole strawberries on one side, and roll up carefully. Let sit in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
  6. Brush the roll with some water and carefully roll in the jelly layer. Set aside for 30 minutes more than serving.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Strawberry jelly roll:

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