Bao buns

Bao buns


  • 320g (2 3/4 cups) of all-purpose flour
  • 4g of dry yeast
  • 40g (1/4 cup) of sugar
  • 170ml (3/4 cup) of water
  • 3g (1/2 tsp) of salt
  • 20ml (1 1/2 tbsp) of vegetable oil


1. In a bowl add the flour, dry yeast, sugar, water, and salt and mix with the spatula.

2. When to dough starts to form knead it with your hands and finally pour the oil. Knead until the dough becomes smooth. Cover with cling film and let it rise for 2 hours, or until it doubles in volume.

3. After time has elapsed, transfer the dough to the working surface and cut it into 10 pieces (about 50 grams each). Form the balls and transfer them to the baking tray covered with parchment paper. Cover with a cloth and let them rise for 30 minutes.

4. After 30 minutes gently roll them out and fold them in half with a small piece of parchment paper. Transfer them to the baking tray covered with parchment paper, cover them with a cloth and let them rise for 30 more minutes.

5. Transfer them to the bamboo steamer, cover them, and transfer them over the pan or pot with the water. Steam for 15 minutes.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Bao buns:

More recipes from channel - Cookist Wow

Original Baking