Flaming Cheese Wheel Pasta

Flaming Cheese Wheel Pasta

I Tried To Re-Create This Flaming Cheese Wheel Pasta.

Flaming Cheese Wheel Pasta


  • Pasta of your choice: Linguine, spaghetti, or any preferred pasta
  • 1 large Parmesan or Grana Padano cheese wheel
  • Butter
  • Heavy cream
  • Salt and black pepper
  • Freshly chopped parsley (optional for garnish)

Prepare the Cheese Wheel: Carve out the center of a large Parmesan or Grana Padano cheese wheel to create a bowl-like shape, ensuring the sides of the cheese bowl are approximately 1/2 inch thick to maintain stability.

Cook the Pasta: Boil your preferred pasta in salted water until it's just shy of al dente. Drain the pasta, but reserve about a cup of the pasta water.

Make the Sauce: Melt butter in a large pan or skillet over medium heat. Place the hollowed cheese wheel in the pan and add a splash of heavy cream into the cheese wheel. Allow it to melt gradually while stirring. Season with salt and black pepper to taste. Combine the pasta with the creamy cheese sauce, using reserved pasta water to loosen the sauce and coat the pasta evenly.

Flambe the Cheese Wheel: Carefully flambe the cheese wheel by pouring a small amount of high-proof alcohol (like vodka or brandy) over the cheese sauce in the wheel. Ignite the alcohol using a long match or a lighter. Keep a safe distance from the flames and be cautious. The alcohol will burn off quickly, creating a visual effect and infusing the sauce with additional flavors.

Serve: Thoroughly mix the pasta in the cheese wheel, ensuring it's well coated with the sauce. Plate the pasta and, if desired, garnish with freshly chopped parsley for added color and flavor.

Please practice safety measures when igniting the alcohol to prevent accidents. The flambe is for visual effect and flavor enhancement, so ensure it's done responsibly and in a safe environment. Enjoy your Flaming Cheese Wheel Pasta!

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Flaming Cheese Wheel Pasta:

Other category recipes - Pasta and noodle recipes