Beef Lao Gan Ma

Beef Lao Gan Ma

Beef Lao Gan Ma, also known as Lao Gan Ma Spicy Chili Crisp with Beef, is a popular Chinese condiment made by combining crispy fried beef bits with Lao Gan Ma chili sauce. Lao Gan Ma is a well-known brand of chili sauce in China, famous for its unique combination of spicy, savory, and slightly sweet flavors.

To make Beef Lao Gan Ma, beef is first marinated and then fried until crispy. The fried beef is then mixed with Lao Gan Ma chili sauce, which typically contains chili peppers, soybean oil, fermented soybeans, garlic, and other seasonings. The result is a deliciously spicy and crunchy condiment that adds a burst of flavor to various dishes.

Beef Lao Gan Ma is often used as a topping or ingredient in Chinese cuisine. It can be added to noodles, stir-fries, rice dishes, dumplings, or even spread on toast for a spicy kick. The combination of the crispy beef and the spicy chili sauce creates a delightful texture and taste.

Lao Gan Ma products, including Beef Lao Gan Ma, can be found in many Asian grocery stores or online retailers specializing in Chinese food products. They are a popular choice for spice lovers and those who enjoy adding extra flavor to their meals.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Beef Lao Gan Ma: