Stuffed crackers

Stuffed crackers


  • 200g (1 cup) of cream cheese
  • 200g (3/4 cup) of ricotta
  • 50g (1/2 cup) of parmesan
  • Pepper
  • Salt
  • Turmeric
  • 120g of Crackers


1. In a bowl add the cream cheese, ricotta, parmesan, salt, and pepper and mix until all is well combined.

2. Divide the mixture into half, transfer to the small bowl and add turmeric. Mix until is well combined and the yellow mixture is obtained.

3. Start arranging the crackers on the cutting board and then spread the white cream on the top and level it up well.

4. Add another layer of the crackers and cover it up with the yellow mixture to level it up well. Cover with another layer of crackers.

5. Cut on squares and serve.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Stuffed crackers:

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