Fried Masala Maggi

Fried Masala Maggi

Preparation time- 15 minutes Serving - 2 Ingredients: Maggi noodles - 2 pack(with tastemaker) Green chilli -1 Onion-1 Garlic cloves- 3 French beans -1/4 cup Green peas -1/4 cup Carrot -1/4 cup Capsicum -1/4 cup Couliflower - 1/4 cup Cooking oil-2 tbsp Red chilli sauce - 1tbsp Soy sauce - 1 tbsp Tomato ketchup -1 tbsp Vinegar- 1/2 tbsp.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Fried Masala Maggi:

Original Recipes