Waffle House Style Scrambled Eggs

Waffle House Style Scrambled Eggs

The Waffle House-style scrambled eggs are known for their fluffy and delicious texture.

Classic scrambled eggs at home


  • Eggs (2-3, depending on serving size)
  • Milk (2-3 tablespoons)
  • Butter (1-2 tablespoons)
  • Salt and pepper (to taste)
  • Grated cheese (optional)


1. Crack and Beat the Eggs:

  • Crack the eggs into a mixing bowl. Add milk, a pinch of salt, and a dash of pepper. Beat the mixture until the eggs and milk are well combined and slightly frothy.

2. Heat the Pan:

  • Place a non-stick skillet or frying pan over medium heat and add butter. Allow the butter to melt and coat the pan evenly.

3. Cook the Eggs:

  • Once the butter is sizzling but not browning, pour the beaten egg mixture into the skillet.
  • Using a spatula, gently stir and fold the eggs as they start to set. Avoid constant stirring; instead, let the eggs form curds.

4. Fold and Finish:

  • Continue folding and gently stirring the eggs until they are almost set but still slightly moist. Remove the pan from heat as the eggs will continue to cook from the residual heat.

5. Optional: Add Cheese (Waffle House Style):

  • If desired, sprinkle grated cheese over the eggs while they are still in the pan and allow it to melt slightly.

6. Serve:

  • Plate the scrambled eggs immediately. Garnish with some freshly cracked black pepper and a dash of salt, if needed.

These Waffle House-style scrambled eggs are creamy, fluffy, and slightly runny—exactly how they're often served at the Waffle House diner. Pair these eggs with some toast, crispy bacon, or your favorite sides for a hearty breakfast! Adjust the recipe according to your taste preferences.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Waffle House Style Scrambled Eggs:

Original Breakfast