Yogurt Ice Cream In Waffle Baskets

Yogurt Ice Cream In Waffle Baskets


  • 320g (1 1/4 cups) Greek yogurt
  • 270g (4/5 cup) condensed milk
  • 120g (1/3 cup) honey
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 520ml (2 1/4 cups) cream
  • 90g (2/5 cup) melted butter
  • 120g (1 cup) powdered sugar
  • 3 egg whites
  • 120g (1 cup) flour
  • Salt
  • Chocolate


1. Mix Greek yogurt, condensed milk, honey, and vanilla in a bowl.

2. Whip the cream in another bowl, add the yogurt mixture and mix.

3. Pour into a tray and freeze for 8 hours.

4. Mix flour, salt, and sugar in a bowl. Add 2 egg whites, butter, and mix again.

5. Pour a spoonful of the mix into a cold pan and spread.

6. Cook on low heat for 5-7 minutes. Cook on both sides and place on top of a bowl to make a basket shape and let it harden.

7. Place 3 scoops of ice cream in each basket and decorate with chocolate.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Yogurt Ice Cream In Waffle Baskets:

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