Lotus Bars

Lotus Bars


  • 260g (2 cups) of Lotus cookies, crumbled
  • 70g (¼ cup) of melted butter
  • 460g (2 cups) of soft cream cheese
  • 190g (⅔ cup) of cookie butter
  • 40g (4 tbsp) of powdered sugar
  • 5ml (1 tsp) of vanilla extract
  • 220ml (⅔ cup + 1 tbsp) of full-fat cream
  • 220g (¾ cup) of cookie spread, melted


1. Combine crushed biscuits with melted butter and press into a 20x20cm baking pan, covering the bottom completely. Let it rest in the freezer for 20 minutes.

2. In a large bowl whip together soft cream cheese, cookie spread, vanilla, and powdered sugar.

3. After everything has been combined, pour in whipping cream and work everything with a mixer until soft peaks form.

4. Pour the filling on top of the crust and smooth the surface out. Chill in the fridge overnight or for at least 4 hours.

5. Pour melted cookie spread on top of the set cheesecake and spread out evenly. Let set completely and slice before serving.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Lotus Bars:

Original Desserts