Drop Biscuits

Drop Biscuits

Drop Biscuits have a beautiful golden brown crust that is nice and crispy. Yet when you split one in half, inside it is wonderfully soft and tender. These biscuits are so easy to make; no kneading, rolling, or shaping the biscuits. All you do is mix the ingredients together with a fork, and then 'drop' the batter by heaping spoonfuls onto you baking sheet. Serve the biscuits with soups or stews, or cut in half and spread with butter and jam and/or clotted cream. These also make a great Breakfast Sandwich; just cut in half and fill with a slice of cheese, a bacon or sausage patty, and a fried or scrambled egg. They also make a delicious Strawberry Shortcake.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Drop Biscuits:

Original Breakfast