Upside Down Pear

Upside Down Pear


  • 1 roll of puff pastry
  • 1 medium pear, sliced thinly
  • 50ml (3 tbsp) of honey
  • 30g (3 tbsp) of almond flakes
  • Egg wash


1. Preheat the oven to 190°C/374°F.

2. Cover the baking sheet with a piece of parchment. Pour 6 piles of honey on top, sprinkle with some sliced almonds. Add a slice of pear on top.

3. Cut the pastry into 6 rectangles and cover the pear. Brush with egg wash.

4. Bake for 20 minutes.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Upside Down Pear:

Original Baking