Side dish

Side dish

LAY HO MA (how's it going in Cantonese)! Whether you're making dinner for your family or have hosting duty, these recipes just might get the creative juices flowing! Join me in this episode and learn how to make a crunchy kale salad, a king oyster mushroom barbacoa, and a back to basics broccoli with garlic sauce. Let's begin!

Hong Kong born Canadian, Wil Yeung is an international photographer, filmmaker, entrepreneur, violinist, and YouTube chef. He immigrated to Canada when he was a young boy carrying with him his ability to speak Cantonese and some broken English. Much of his culinary aspirations stem from his background in the visual and musical art spaces. Whether you're plant based or plant based curious, Wil believes that learning how to make food can really change your life and of those around you.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Side dish: