Squishy Milk Cupcakes

Squishy Milk Cupcakes

The ingredients are pretty much the same as regular vanilla milk cupcakes (I think?), but this one turns out 'white' as it's steamed instead of baked.

If you don't have an oven at home but want to make some cupcakes, try steaming it.

But, baked cupcakes smells and tastes better IMO.


  • Egg: 2
  • Soft/Cake Flour: 220g
  • Salt: 2g
  • Baking Powder: 8g
  • Sugar: 120g
  • Milk: 170g
  • Melted Unsalted Butter: 20g
  • Vanilla Extract: 6g

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Squishy Milk Cupcakes:

More recipes from channel - BORE.D

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