Christmas Pretzel Wreath

Christmas Pretzel Wreath


  • 3 cups pretzels (mini twists or pretzel rings)
  • 1 cup green candy melts or white chocolate tinted green
  • Red candies or M&M's for decoration
  • Festive sprinkles
  • Cooking spray

Calories per serving (approximate): 150 kcal


  1. Prepare Pretzels: Arrange the pretzels in a circular shape on a parchment-lined tray to form the wreath. Use pretzel rings for a classic wreath shape or mini twists for a unique twist.
  2. Melt Candy Coating: In a microwave-safe bowl, melt the green candy melts or white chocolate until smooth, following package instructions. Add green food coloring if using white chocolate.
  3. Coat Pretzels: Using a spoon or a piping bag, drizzle the melted candy over the pretzels, ensuring each is well-coated. Spread it evenly to cover the pretzels.
  4. Decorate: While the candy coating is still wet, place red candies or M&M's strategically around the wreath to resemble holly berries. Sprinkle festive sprinkles for added holiday cheer.
  5. Set: Allow the Christmas Pretzel Wreath to set completely. You can speed up the process by placing it in the refrigerator for about 15-20 minutes.
  6. Serve: Once set, carefully transfer the wreath to a serving platter. Break apart or cut into slices for a festive and shareable holiday snack.

Note: Get creative with different colored candies, sprinkles, or even drizzle with white chocolate for a snowy effect.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Christmas Pretzel Wreath:

Original Desserts