Prunes in Armagnac

Prunes in Armagnac


  • 1 cup dried prunes
  • 1 cup Armagnac brandy
  • 1/4 cup sugar (optional, for a sweeter infusion)


  1. Prepare Prunes: If the prunes are not pitted, remove the pits. Place the prunes in a clean, airtight jar or container.
  2. Infuse with Armagnac: Pour Armagnac over the prunes, ensuring they are fully submerged. If a sweeter infusion is desired, add sugar. Seal the container.
  3. Store and Age: Allow the prunes to infuse in Armagnac for at least a few weeks, preferably longer. The longer the infusion, the more pronounced the flavors.
  4. Occasional Agitation: Periodically shake or stir the jar gently to encourage the prunes to absorb the Armagnac evenly.
  5. Serve: Once the prunes have absorbed the flavors of Armagnac, they are ready to serve. Enjoy them on their own or use them as a luxurious topping for desserts, ice cream, or even in cocktails.

Calories per serving (approximate): 100 kcal (may vary based on serving size)

Note: The longer the prunes marinate, the more intense the flavor. Adjust sweetness to personal preference.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Prunes in Armagnac:

More recipes from channel - Bruno Albouze

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