Christmas Sundae

Christmas Sundae


  1. Vanilla ice cream (2 cups)
  2. Spiced poached fruits (apples, pears, cranberries)
  3. Caramel sauce
  4. Chopped nuts (walnuts, pecans)
  5. Whipped cream
  6. Chocolate shavings
  7. Peppermint candy pieces
  8. Festive sprinkles

Preparation Steps:

Step 1: Prepare spiced poached fruits by simmering apples, pears, and cranberries in a spiced syrup until tender.

Step 2: Scoop vanilla ice cream into serving glasses or bowls.

Step 3: Spoon the spiced poached fruits over the ice cream.

Step 4: Drizzle caramel sauce generously over the fruits.

Step 5: Sprinkle chopped nuts for added crunch and texture.

Step 6: Add a dollop of whipped cream on top.

Step 7: Garnish with chocolate shavings, peppermint candy pieces, and festive sprinkles.

Create layers for a visually appealing presentation. Serve immediately and savor the merry medley of flavors in this Christmas Sundae, a sweet ending to your holiday festivities!

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Christmas Sundae:

Original Desserts