Chocolate Glass

Chocolate Glass


  1. For the Chocolate Glass:
    • 200g high-quality dark chocolate, finely chopped
    • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
    • 1 tablespoon light corn syrup
    • A pinch of salt
  2. For Optional Filling:
    • Whipped cream
    • Fresh berries
    • Mint leaves


Step 1: Prepare Chocolate Mixture

  • In a heatproof bowl, combine finely chopped dark chocolate, unsalted butter, corn syrup, and a pinch of salt.

Step 2: Melt Chocolate

  • Create a bain-marie by placing the bowl over simmering water.
  • Stir the chocolate mixture until completely melted and smooth.

Step 3: Shape Chocolate Glass

  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Pour the melted chocolate onto the parchment paper, spreading it thinly and evenly with an offset spatula.

Step 4: Create Patterns (Optional)

  • Use a toothpick or the back of a spoon to create decorative patterns on the chocolate surface.

Step 5: Harden and Form the Glass

  • Allow the chocolate to harden at room temperature or expedite the process by placing it in the refrigerator.
  • Once firm, carefully lift or break the chocolate into desired glass-like shards.

Step 6: Serve with Filling (Optional)

  • Arrange the Chocolate Glass shards on a serving platter.
  • Fill each piece with whipped cream, fresh berries, or any other desired filling.

Step 7: Present and Enjoy

  • Showcase the Chocolate Glass as an exquisite dessert or accompaniment to your favorite sweet treats.
  • Serve and relish the sophisticated combination of glossy chocolate and delightful fillings.

Elevate your dessert experience with Chocolate Glassβ€”a culinary masterpiece that not only captivates the eyes but also delights the palate with its rich, glossy allure and endless possibilities for creative fillings.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Chocolate Glass:

Original Desserts