Economical vs. Exquisite Chocolate Log Recipe

Economical vs. Exquisite Chocolate Log Recipe

Ingredients :

  1. Chocolate sponge cake
  2. Cocoa powder (optional)
  3. Sweetened condensed milk
  4. Whipped cream
  5. Dark chocolate shavings
  6. Chopped nuts (e.g., almonds, hazelnuts)
  7. Vanilla extract
  8. Powdered sugar (optional)


Step 1: Craft the Chocolate Base Begin by creating a decadent chocolate sponge cake, laying the foundation for your enticing log.

Step 2: Customize Flavors Distinguish between the recipes by incorporating cocoa powder for a richer chocolate experience in the Exquisite version or keeping it simple in the Economical one.

Step 3: Sweeten the Mix Enrich the cake with sweetened condensed milk, striking the perfect balance of sweetness and texture.

Step 4: Layer on Whipped Bliss Generously add whipped cream to impart a light and airy dimension to both recipes.

Step 5: Elevate with Toppings Diverge paths by adorning the Exquisite log with dark chocolate shavings and a medley of chopped nuts, while the Economical version takes a more straightforward approach.

Step 6: Infuse with Flavor Introduce vanilla extract for a subtle, aromatic touch, adding an extra layer of complexity to the Exquisite rendition.

Step 7: Dust with Decadence For an added touch, dust the Exquisite Chocolate Log with powdered sugar, elevating its visual appeal.

Savor the delightful outcome, tailored to your taste and preferences, be it budget-friendly or a luxurious indulgence.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Economical vs. Exquisite Chocolate Log Recipe:

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