Detox Tea with Herbs and Citrus Fruits

Detox Tea with Herbs and Citrus Fruits


  • Green tea leaves (2 teaspoons, 0 kcal)
  • Fresh mint leaves (a handful, 5 kcal)
  • Ginger (1-inch piece, sliced, 2 kcal)
  • Lemon (1, thinly sliced, 4 kcal)
  • Orange (1, thinly sliced, 62 kcal)
  • Honey (1 tablespoon, 64 kcal, optional)


Step 1: Boil water and let the green tea leaves steep for 3-5 minutes.

Step 2: Add fresh mint leaves and sliced ginger to the tea.

Step 3: Squeeze the juice from lemon and orange slices into the tea.

Step 4: Optionally, add honey for sweetness and additional health benefits.

Step 5: Let the tea steep for another 2-3 minutes for flavors to meld.

Step 6: Strain the tea into cups, and enjoy the refreshing Detox Tea.

Revitalize your senses with this invigorating tea that blends the earthiness of herbs with the citrusy brightness of fruits. Perfect for a detox journey!

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Detox Tea with Herbs and Citrus Fruits:

Original Drinks