Easy Salami Cups: The Ultimate Party Appetizer

Easy Salami Cups: The Ultimate Party Appetizer


  1. Salami slices (20 slices, approximately 200g, 400 kcal)
  2. Cream cheese (1/2 cup, 400 kcal)
  3. Chopped olives (1/4 cup, 60 kcal)
  4. Sun-dried tomatoes, finely chopped (2 tbsp, 30 kcal)
  5. Fresh basil leaves, torn (1/4 cup)
  6. Black pepper, to taste

Preparation Steps:

Step 1: Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C).

Step 2: Press each salami slice into the cups of a mini muffin tin, creating a bowl shape.

Step 3: Bake the salami cups in the preheated oven for 10-12 minutes, or until the edges are crispy.

Step 4: In a bowl, mix cream cheese, chopped olives, sun-dried tomatoes, and torn basil leaves.

Step 5: Season the cream cheese mixture with black pepper, adjusting to taste.

Step 6: Once the salami cups are cooled, carefully fill each cup with the cream cheese mixture.

Step 7: Garnish with additional basil leaves or a sprinkle of black pepper if desired.

Step 8: Serve these Easy Salami Cups at your next gathering and watch them disappear! Enjoy the simplicity and deliciousness of this ultimate party appetizer.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Easy Salami Cups: The Ultimate Party Appetizer:

Original Appetizers