Suji Caramel Pudding

Suji Caramel Pudding


  1. 1 cup semolina (suji)
  2. 1 cup sugar (for caramel)
  3. 2 cups milk
  4. 1/2 cup condensed milk
  5. 3 tablespoons ghee
  6. 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  7. Chopped nuts for garnish (optional)

Cooking Steps:

Step 1: In a pan, melt sugar to make caramel. Pour it into pudding molds.

Step 2: In another pan, roast semolina in ghee until golden brown.
Step 3: Add milk and condensed milk to the semolina, stirring continuously.

Step 4: Once the mixture thickens, add vanilla essence and mix well.
Step 5: Pour the semolina mixture over the caramel in molds.

Step 6: Steam or bake the molds until the pudding is set.

Step 7: Allow it to cool, then refrigerate for a few hours.
Step 8: Invert the molds to unmold the pudding, revealing the luscious caramel layer on top.

Step 9: Garnish with chopped nuts if desired.

Enjoy the rich and indulgent Suji Caramel Pudding, a perfect blend of tradition and sweetness!

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Suji Caramel Pudding:

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