Beef Enoki Oyakodon

Beef Enoki Oyakodon


  • 200g thinly sliced beef
  • 1 bunch enoki mushrooms, separated
  • 3 cups cooked Japanese rice
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons mirin
  • 1 tablespoon sake
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • Chopped green onions for garnish

(Approximate Calories: Around 400 calories per serving)

Cooking Steps:

Step 1: Preparing the Sauce

  • In a bowl, mix soy sauce, mirin, sake, and sugar to create the savory-sweet sauce.

Step 2: Cooking Beef and Enoki

  • In a pan, stir-fry thinly sliced beef until browned.
  • Add enoki mushrooms to the pan and cook until tender.

Step 3: Adding Sauce

  • Pour the prepared sauce over the beef and enoki mixture. Simmer until the flavors meld.

Step 4: Adding Beaten Eggs

  • Pour beaten eggs evenly over the beef and mushrooms. Allow the eggs to set.

Step 5: Assembling the Bowl

  • Place a generous serving of cooked Japanese rice in a bowl.
  • Spoon the beef, enoki, and egg mixture over the rice.

Step 6: Garnishing and Serving

  • Garnish with chopped green onions for a fresh flavor.
  • Serve the Beef Enoki Oyakodon hot, savoring the delightful blend of textures and flavors in each bite.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Beef Enoki Oyakodon: