Quick Bread & Egg Snacks

Quick Bread & Egg Snacks


  1. Bread slices (white or whole wheat)
  2. Eggs
  3. Butter
  4. Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Steps:

Step 1: Using a cookie cutter or a glass, cut a hole in the center of each bread slice.
Step 2: Heat butter in a pan over medium heat.

Step 3: Place the bread slices in the pan and crack an egg into each hole.
Step 4: Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Step 5: Cook until the egg whites are set but the yolk remains runny, about 2-3 minutes.

Step 6: Carefully flip the bread and egg to cook the other side briefly.

Step 7: Remove from the pan and serve immediately.

Enjoy this simple yet delightful snack that combines the goodness of bread and eggs in every bite. Perfect for a quick energy boost or a savory treat.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Quick Bread & Egg Snacks:

Original Appetizers