Thanksgiving Leftover Enchiladas

Thanksgiving Leftover Enchiladas

Servings: 8-10


Turkey, shredded


Mashed potatoes


Cooked squash

Cooked green beans

Cooked corn

Cranberry sauce

2 cups gravy

2 cups shredded monterey jack

Parsley, chopped, to serve


1. Preheat oven to 350˚F (180˚C).

2. Place one tortilla on a work surface. Place a small amount of each of your thanksgiving leftovers on the tortilla. Fold the ends in, rotate the tortilla and roll upward, making sure none of the ingredients are coming out of the tortilla. Place in a baking dish.

3. Once your baking dish is filled with “enchiladas” pour the gravy over the top. Sprinkle the monterey jack over the “enchiladas.” Bake for 30 minutes until golden and bubbling.

4. Sprinkle parsley over the “enchiladas.” Serve immediately.


*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Thanksgiving Leftover Enchiladas:

Original Dinner recipes