Gluten-free Oatmeal Granola

Gluten-free Oatmeal Granola


  • 50g Soy milk (or Milk) warmed
  • 50g Coconut oil(or Vegetable oil ,Grape seed oil ets)
  • 35g Cane sugar(or granulated sugar)
  • 1g Salt
  • 200g Oatmeal
  • 50g Almond
  • 50g Walnut
  • 50g Raisins

①Heat the oven to 338 °F/170℃ and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
②Place the soy milk, oil, sugar, and salt in a large bowl and whisk to combine.
③Add the oatmeal, almonds and Walnut and Raisins. mix to coat.
④Spread the oatmeal out onto the prepared baking sheet.
⑤Bake for 16-18minutes, stirring halfway through.
⑥The granola is ready when golden-brown and the almonds have toasted — it will still feel wet coming out of the oven but will dry as it cools.
⑦Remove from the oven, and cool.
*Remove from oven and add dried fruit.
⑧Cool completely before storing.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Gluten-free Oatmeal Granola:

Original Healthy recipes