Whipped Cream Recipe

Whipped Cream Recipe

Check out this simple recipe of making whipped cream at home. It comes out quite soft and fluffy. Now you don't need to rush to the market to buy whipped cream for your cake decorations. Using this simple step by step method, make perfect whipped cream. 

  1. Chill the clean bowl of a stand mixer and the whisk attachment in the freezer for 10 minutes.
  2. Add all of the ingredients to the bowl and whisk on high speed until medium peaks form, about 1 minute. (Alternatively, you can use a hand whisk and a large chilled bowl. Whisk all of the ingredients until medium peaks form, about 2 to 3 minutes.) Serve immediately, or follow the instructions in the make-ahead note in the intro. 

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Whipped Cream Recipe:

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