If there was ketchup in the Soviet Union, its name was Krasnodar sauce! Although it is believed that the recipe of the sauce was developed long before the revolution, when it was the aristocratic gourmet of the royal court. But at the Union sauce was preserved precisely because of the simplicity and cheapness of the components. It was made not only on an industrial scale - practically in every home cookbook the coveted recipe of the Krasnodar apple sauce was written by hand. Today we remember the “same taste” and are learning how to make the most tender sauce with a sweet and sour aftertaste and a whole bouquet of fragrant spices!


Tomato 1.6 kg

Apple 0.6 kg

Black pepper 1 tsp

Cinnamon 2/3 tsp

Nutmeg 2/3 tsp

Salt 1 tsp

Sugar 2 tsp

Vinegar 2-4 tbsp

Garlic 5 clove

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