If you like to experiment on the kitchen, try cooking battered tomatoes, the recipe for which I will tell you today. The dish is very easy to cook. It is only necessary to cut peeled vegetables into rings, dip them in batter and fry them until ready in a frying pan. The result is delicious and original snack, which can be served both hot and cold. Thanks to the piquant cheese batter, vegetables are juicy and fragrant. For the recipe, choose ripe but hard tomatoes with a dense peel. Tomatoes fried in batter will become an excellent addition for barbecue or chicken baked in the oven.


Tomato 2 pcs

Sour cream 2 tbsp

Egg 1 pcs

Cheese 100 g

Paprika 0.25 tsp

Dry garlic 0.25 tsp

Vegetable oil 50 ml

Salt - to taste

Black pepper 0.25 tsp

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