Oaxaca Forever

Oaxaca Forever

The Oaxaca Forever draws inspiration from the gin based classic cocktail, the Negroni. The gin is replaced with a smoky mezcal, sweet vermouth for coffee liqueur and Campari component swapped for an amaro. Bold, smoky and full on flavour. Despite all ingredients being swapped out, there are similarities ie. spirit, sweet and bitter ingredients.


  • 45mL Mezcal (1½ oz) 
  • 22.5mL Coffee Liqueur (¾ oz) 
  • 15mL Fernet Vallet (½ oz)

Fernet Vallet can be hard to come across - Averna, Cynar or Letherbee Fernet are suitable substitutes.


1. Combine all the ingredients into an old fashioned glass

2. Fill with ice and stir for 20-30 seconds

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Oaxaca Forever:

More recipes from channel - Steve the Bartender

Original Drinks