photo: How to Make Plum Puree

How to Make Plum Puree

Plum puree, cooked at home, makes a decent competition for ready-made store options. In the creation of mashed potatoes there are no strict rules - it can be cooked to a thick consistency or leave liquid; sugar can be thrown at any portion of the choice, or even do without it. If you prepare mashed potatoes for children, it is better to store it in small jars - for one portion. The puree is not recommended to add citric acid, because it will lighten the bright preparation.


  • Plum
    1 kg
  • Sugar
    200 g


  • 1. Thoroughly wash plums in water, divide into two identical halves, remove the stones. Cut pulp and skin any way you like.
  • 2. Place chopped pcs of plum in a blender container. If your bowl is small, put in parts.
  • 3. Turn on the kitchen machine at full strength, beat the contents, get a uniform mashed potatoes. If your blender has high power, it will leave almost no pieces of skin.
  • 4. Put the mixture into a thick-walled saucepan placed on the hob, bring the contents to a boil. Be sure to remove actively developing foam on the surface of the fruit mass with the skimmer, the presence of foam in the banks can spoil the blank during storage.
  • 5. Next, add sugar, diligently distribute it over the puree, so that it dissolves faster. Boil the mixture for the next 5 minutes on a small fire, stir occasionally to prevent the mass from burning.
  • 6. Sterilize jars in advance over steam or using another sterilization method. Puree is subjected to short-term heat treatment, so the container must be completely sterile. Pour the mashed potatoes (just taken from the stove) into the jars, give a second of time to steam, then tighten the blanks tightly with the lids. It is better to use small jars in order to use mashed potatoes when opened at a time. Also, if suddenly one of the cans is not completely sterile, and the blank is fermented, the other jars of mashed potatoes will be good until winter.
  • 7. Expose puree to additional pasteurization, for this, wrap the blank with a very warm blanket, with slow cooling it will pass the second pasteurization.