Rain Drop Cake 2 Ways

Rain Drop Cake 2 Ways

Raspberry Rain Drop Cake

for 2 servings

1 ½ tablespoons agar
2 ½ teaspoons sugar
1 cup water
1 raspberry
brown sugar syrup, adequate amount
soybean flour, adequate amount


  1. Put agar and sugar in the bowl and mix.
  2. Place water and mixture a small pan, mix it, and heat with a high heat.
  3. Boil it for 2 minutes with a low heat.
  4. Put small pan larger pot with ice water, chill while mixing for about 3 minutes.
  5. Place the raspberry in a round ice-making dish and pour mixture into it.
  6. Put it in the refrigerator for about 1 hour to cool it.
  7. Gently take it out from the ice tray and put it on a dish.
  8. 8, Serve with brown sugary syrup and soybean flour.
  9. Enjoy!

Matcha Raindrop Cake

for 1 serving

1 ½ tablespoons agar
2 ½ teaspoons sugar
½ teaspoon matcha powder
1 cup water
brown sugar syrup
soybean flour


  1. Put agar, sugar and green tea in the bowl and mix.
  2. Place water and mixture in a small pan, mix it, and heat on high to a boil.
  3. Boil it for 2 minutes with a low heat.
  4. Apply small pan to a bigger pot filled with ice water. chill while mixing for about 3 minutes
  5. Pour mixture into the round ice ball tray. Put it in the refrigerator for about 1 hour and cool it.
  6. Gently take it out from the ice tray and put it on a dish
  7. Pour Brown Sugar Syrup and Soybean Flour to taste.
  8. Enjoy!

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Rain Drop Cake 2 Ways:

Original Desserts