Cocoa Steamed Cake

Cocoa Steamed Cake


6 Cakes

●90g Rice flour
●20g Cocoa powder
●30g Sugar
●4g Baking powder

100g~130g Milk


①Put all the ingredients marked with ● in a bowl and mix well with a whisk.

②Add milk, mix well.

*Add milk starting at 100g and adjust the consistency of the dough by watching the video.

③Pour the batter into silicone cups.

④Pour water into the pan and bring to the boil over high heat.

Steam over medium heat for 12 minutes.

*Note: I recommend to wrap the lid with tea towel or large cloth, so that water won’t drip onto the cake.

Enjoy Cooking!

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Cocoa Steamed Cake:

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