I Made A Lunar New Year Feast From My Pantry Leftovers

I Made A Lunar New Year Feast From My Pantry Leftovers

Welcome back y'all! Season 2 is officially here!

As a recap, in case you missed June's Budget Eats Q&A, June's been MIA because her mom passed away last October. In her own words: Yes, I’m okay; yes, I’ve taken time to rest; yes, I’m still grieving, and probably will for a very long time, in various different ways.

This will be the first episode of Budget Eats that June's mom will not get to watch, and to transition back into shooting again, this topic felt like an ode to her mom and tradition.

Please enjoy and hold your loved ones closely. Happy Lunar New Year.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook I Made A Lunar New Year Feast From My Pantry Leftovers:

Original Recipes