3 ingredients Nut chocolate Recipe

3 ingredients Nut chocolate Recipe

1 cup raw cacao or Foodmatters Superfood Chocolate
2-3 tablespoons raw honey
1 cup cacao butter (or swap for coconut oil)


Combine all your ingredients. If you are in a cooler climate and your coconut oil is hard, you may have to slightly melt it in a double boiler. Pour into chocolate molds or a lined baking tray (to keep it super simple) and allow to set in the fridge!

Get creative and add your favorites to really treat your taste buds. A dash of vanilla, a pinch of sea salt, a little nut butter, goji berries or raspberries... The choices are endless!

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook 3 ingredients Nut chocolate Recipe:

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